Dicas e Notícias
quarta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2025
Usuários do Gmail são alvos de golpes com IA
Golpes de phishing com inteligência artificial (IA) que exploram o Gmail foram detectados pela Malwarebytes Labs na última semana. A prática se baseava ... -
terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2025
Brasil terá primeiro laboratório de segurança máxima
As ocorrências de pandemias devem ser mais comuns no futuro. Sabendo disso, a ciência se prepara para criar formas de identificar e combater as doenças ... - Ver Todas
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In 1935 the Company Hellermann is created by Herr Paul Hellermann Germany, manufacturing rubber hose nozzles. Almost 80 years later, is today a global manufacturer that offers high performance and is a world leader in products fastening, connecting, routing, routing, protection and cable identification. Located in 34 countries, develops customized solutions that offer performance, quality and productivity improvements for the customer.
It has a Technology Centre for South America in Jundiaí-SP and one of the most modern technology in injection molding and extrusion of thermoplastic industry. Structured building area of 12,000 m².
BM ELETRO-ELETRÔNICA acts as an authorized distributor in the South and in Brazil.