Dicas e Notícias
quarta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2025
Usuários do Gmail são alvos de golpes com IA
Golpes de phishing com inteligência artificial (IA) que exploram o Gmail foram detectados pela Malwarebytes Labs na última semana. A prática se baseava ... -
terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2025
Brasil terá primeiro laboratório de segurança máxima
As ocorrências de pandemias devem ser mais comuns no futuro. Sabendo disso, a ciência se prepara para criar formas de identificar e combater as doenças ... - Ver Todas
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The TE Connectivity behind a history of leadership over 50 years, founded in the U.S. in 1960 has become a global supplier with annual sales of $14 billion. Have facilities in more than 45 countries and a presence across 5 continents, which designs and manufactures over 500,000 products that connect and interconnect products within an infinity of diverse applications and segments.
The TE Connectivity possess more than 17,000 patents and has nearly 100,000 employees, to meet the most diverse sectors: automotive, communication networks, electronics, consumer electronics, energy, special cables, health, aerospace and others.
BM ELETRO-ELETRÔNICA acts as exclusive distributor in the South, handing the lines of connectivity, electro and automotive electronics.